Catholic University

Customer Testimonial

“As the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States, we have a large campus and a complex infrastructure system, parts of which date back as far as the 1880s. For more than 30 years, RM Thornton has been a trusted partner to our university in repairing water mainlines, installing water heaters, repairing steam lines, and repairing or retrofitting steam equipment of all types, including boilers, traps, and steam stations. RM Thornton’s staff and engineers work cohesively and collaboratively with us and, together, we truly operate as one team. This is essential because our campus can be a particularly challenging work site with students living here at all times and classes, programs, and events going on at all hours of the day. The long-standing relationship RM Thornton has with our institution means they have as much, if not more, knowledge and insights about our facilities, housing, and academic buildings than our staff members. They make it their job to be two steps ahead of us by anticipating challenges and resolving them quickly, thoughtfully, efficiently, and professionally. As a result, there are very few surprises. Their work always means the highest levels of reliability, consistency, and quality, and when my phone rings and I see that it’s RM Thornton calling, I know there’s a problem that’s about to be solved.”

Rick Ricker
Assistant Director of Building Maintenance
The Catholic University of America